Release Notes - Version 23.03.02


Release 23.03.02 went live on March 31, 2023. Below is a bullet list of the updates and new features in this new release. 

  • A Transfer Number is now assigned to Transfers.
  • A new feature to send transfer requests to an email address. 
  • A new option to change the status of a transfer when editing transfers at the company level. 
  • A new feature to create Transfer Templates.
  • A new feature to create Waste Templates.
  • Recipe Prep instructions can now print or display in a new format.

Added Detail:

Below is added detail about some of the new features where a little more detail may be helpful: 

Transfer Numbers: A transfer number is now automatically generated when you add a new transfer. Transfer numbers can, optionally, be configured on the Transfers tab in your company settings. Transfer numbers will aid in tracking transfers and they will also facilitate adding multiple transfers on the same day between the same To and From Sites. 

Transfer Requests sent to an Email Address: There is now an option to send Transfer Requests to an email address. The Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet will be emailed as a PDF from the To Site (the site creating the request) to the From Site (the Site receiving the request). Please click the link to this Email Transfer Requests - FAQs article for detailed information on how to set up and use this new option. 

Change Transfer Status at the Company Level: When you are logged in and viewing a transfer from the company level, there are new buttons that can be used to change the status of a transfer. Please click the link to this Transfers article for more information (scroll down to the section titled "Administration of Transfers"). 

Transfer Templates: You can now create and utilize Transfer Templates to populate the items for transfer entry or the transfer worksheet in advance. Transfer Templates can be used instead of Inventory Groups or they can be used in combination with Inventory Groups. Please click this link to this Transfer Templates article for detailed information. 

Waste Templates: You can now create and utilize Waste Templates to populate the items for waste entry or the waste worksheet in advance. Waste Templates can be used instead of Recipe Groups or they can be used in combination with Recipe Groups. Please click this link to this Waste Templates article for detailed information. 

Recipe Preparation Instructions - New Format Option: The Prep Instructions Listing and the Prep Instructions Display now include the option to use a larger font and to put the recipe unit quantity information in front of the ingredient name.  An example of the new format is shown below: 

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