Release Notes - Version 22.04.02


Release 22.04.02 went live on April 21, 2022. 

New and Simplified Navigation Menus for Inventory and Recipes & Sales Reports. The Menus for the Inventory and for the Recipes & Sales reports have both become very long and potentially difficult to navigate. For example, there are 19 possible inventory reports if all features are enabled. Reports for both menus have now been grouped under common themes. Please see below for more examples of the new reports menus. 

Waste Reasons: Waste reasons are now an added option to the Waste features. Waste Reasons are used to assign a reason for the waste of each item that is entered as waste via the Waste Entry feature. Waste Reasons will be included in the Waste Report. Waste Reasons must be enabled in your Company Settings. Please click this link for more information on Waste Reasons.   

Things to Know:

  • No reports have been changed or eliminated (they just have a new organization as outlined below)
  • If you have set up User Menus that include reports, they will not be impacted. 
  • Examples of all the new report menus are displayed below

New Inventory Reports Menu:

Inventory reports are now grouped under 5 common themes: Extensions, Ordering, Receiving, Transfers, and Usage. All customers will see Extensions, Receiving, and Usage. Ordering and/or Transfers will be included for customers that have enabled these features.

Reports included in the Inventory Extensions Report Menu:

Reports included in the Inventory Ordering Report Menu: 

Reports included in the Inventory Receiving Report Menu:

Reports included in the Inventory Transfers Report Menu:

Reports included in the Inventory Usage Report Menu:

New Recipes & Sales Reports Menu:

Recipes & Sales reports are now grouped under 4 common themes: Sales Mix, Cost of Sales, Menu Analytics, and Production. All customers with a POS interface will see Sales Mix, Cost of Sales, and Menu Analytics. Production and/or Waste will be included for customers that have enabled these features

Reports included in the Recipes & Sales Sales Mix Report Menu:

Reports included in the Recipes & Sales Cost of Sales Report Menu:

Reports included in the Recipes & Sales Menu Analytics Report Menu:

Reports included in the Recipes & Sales Production Report Menu:

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