Manage Your Features
COGS-Well offers features and options that you may or may not want to use. In addition, you may have Users who don't need access to all of the features that a System Administrator needs.
You can optimize your navigation menu (the Sidebar) to only include the features and options you plan to use via the Company Settings feature. You can also select User Roles via the User Setup feature to control what features your Users will or won't see on their Sidebar.
Taking the time to configure your Company Settings and assign User Levels will simplify the Sidebar for all of your Users while enabling control over what features your Users have access to.
COGS-Well support sets up your initial Company Settings and they can be modified at any time. Please don't hesitate to contact if you have questions or need assistance.
Enable or Disable Features in Company Settings:
Company Settings are utilized to configure the primary features you wish to utilize. Only Users with the System Administrator User Role can access your Company Settings. The Company Setting feature is accessed via the Sidebar under Manage Company:
Enable/Disable Features: After selecting the Company Settings feature, you will land on the General Tab. The primary features that can be used in COGS-Well are in the Options column in the middle of the display. If you do not plan to use a feature such as ordering or waste, make sure the checkmark is eliminated. If you want to utilize a feature that is not enabled, then add a checkmark to enable it:
More Company Settings Information: This article on Company Settings reviews all of the primary features and their options in detail.
The following FAQ articles will help you understand and evaluate each primary feature: Ordering Options, Transfers, Commissary Features, Inventory Depletion, Waste, Manual Sales Entry, and Financial Features,
Recipe Tab in Company Settings: There are three options on the Recipe Tab that COGS-Well defaults to be enabled, that you may not wish to use. These options are Prep Instructions, Yields, and Recipe Versioning. If you do not plan to use these options then disabling Prep Instructions will simplify your Sidebar Menu. Disabling Yields or Versioning will simplify your recipe setup display.
Configure User Roles:
The COGS-Well setup team configures the User Roles for Users specified on your Software Service Agreement and they are usually configured as System Administrators. Some of these Users may not require (or you may wish to restrict) access to all of the admin features. You can simplify and control navigation for your Users by assigning them User Levels.
Five User Levels can be assigned to a User (System Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Above Site User, Site Manager, and Site User). This article on Assigning User Levels provides an in-depth review of how to select and assign User Levels to Users.